
TV's 'West Wing' hoping to revive ratings

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 12 (UPI) -- TV's award-winning drama "West Wing" reportedly aims to improve ratings by tapping into real events, including the current U.S. presidential election.

Once a Top 10 show with 17.1 million weekly viewers in the 2001-2002 season, "West Wing's" ratings and credibility have fallen and the show's future beyond the fall season is in doubt, the New York Times said Thursday.


A focus on presidential politics and characters reflecting more than the traditional liberal viewpoints of the TV president's White House, are part of the plan to jump start the series, said Kevin Reilly, president of NBC Entertainment.

The real presidential election also will play its part in the fictional series starring Martin Sheen as Democratic President Josiah Bartlet.

"The election is a catalyst for setting certain stories in motion," Reilly said.

Though Reilly declined to give specifics, he said the "West Wing" is set for surprises.

"There will be tumult in the administration this year," Reilly said, referring to the Bartlet administration, of course.

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