
Diana Ross ordered to jail

TUCSON, March 10 (UPI) -- A judge in Arizona says singer Diana Ross failed to comply with her original drunken driving sentence, so she has to go back to jail.

Ross was charged with driving under the influence after a witness reported a driver going the wrong direction in Tuscon, Ariz., on Dec. 30, 2002.


The singer pleaded "no contest" to the charges by phone last month and was sentenced to 48 hours jail time, which she arranged to serve where she lives, in Greenwich, Conn., KOLD-TV, Tuscon, reported Wednesday.

But, it was learned Ross came and went, serving her sentence just a few hours at a time, instead of the Arizona mandated 24 hours of "non-stop" jail time, the TV news said.

The Tucson magistrate who originally sentenced Ross ordered her to return to Tuscon to serve 48 hours of consecutive time in the Pima County jail.

Since Ross was touring in Europe, it was unclear when she would return to Arizona to complete her sentence.

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