
Clooney charming some in Washington

WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 (UPI) -- Actor George Clooney, executive producer of HBO's "K Street," is charming some politicians, but he's been banned in the U.S. Senate.

The show, which includes real-life lobbyists James Carville, Mary Matalin and Michael Deaver, is set and shot in Washington, D.C. It's about a made-up lobbying firm located among the real lobbying firms on K Street.


Clooney said the show is shot one week before broadcast using real news events and personalities from the week before, the London Observer reported.

"This is a behind-the-scenes view of the political process," Clooney said. "We look at things on the Sunday morning in the newspapers and pick our subject matter. We spend the next three days shooting in D.C., and then edit and then go on the air Sunday night."

While some politicians are clearly warm to Clooney, some in Washington think the show might be too close to the bone, the Observer said.

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