WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 (UPI) -- The U.S. State Department is working to establish a Civilian Response Corps designed to support reconstruction and stability efforts in post-conflict areas.
The State Department is taking lessons learned from experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan concerning the critical importance of effective reconstruction and stabilization initiatives in post-conflict zones. Ambassador John Herbst, State Department coordinator for reconstruction and stabilization, is calling on federal employees to serve in an active and reserve Civilian Response Corps, Government Executive reported.
Officials say the Civilian Response Corps will have an active-duty component with 250 people comprising federal employees. Herbst is also looking to establish a reserve component with 2,000 people of various professional expertises from the private and public workforce. Until more funding is available, Herbst said the State Department can fill only 100 spots for the active component and 500 on a standby status.
Officials say the push to establish a Civilian Response Corps is a recognition that for countries to successfully transition out of a conflict environment, a diplomatic reconstruction effort is critical.
"The dangers and problems are logistical insecurity, and we have put together an approach that will handle those problems," Herbst said in a statement, according to Government Executive.