
Poland enlists NNSA for counter nuke tech

WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 (UPI) -- Poland has signed a deal with the United States that targets the illicit trafficking of nuclear weapons material through Poland's border crossings and ports.

Top government leaders in Poland have signed an agreement with the United States that allows the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration to install advanced nuclear threat detection technologies at Poland's strategic points of entry to prevent the smuggling of illicit materials, the NNSA reported.


The agreement also establishes a program for the NNSA to train Polish border security officials to strengthen interdiction efforts of radioactive materials.

"NNSA looks forward to beginning this border security effort with Poland to further secure its points of exit and entry," William Tobey, NNSA deputy administrator for defense nuclear non-proliferation, said in a statement.

"We enjoy a collaborative relationship with the European Union on various security matters and accordingly anticipate a positive relationship with Poland in preventing nuclear smuggling."

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