
British UFOs

By United Press International

LONDON, Feb. 18 (UPI) -- Thousands of pages of reports on unidentified flying objects sightings were released by British officials.

The approximately 6,000 pages of documents mostly cover UFO sightings from 1994 to 2000. The incidents include about 600 reports of Scotland's "Bonnybridge Triangle" in 1995 and 1997 and sightings detailed by Prestwick airport personnel in 1999, a British Airways near-miss with a UFO in 1995 and claims from police of an unknown object spotted over the North Sea.


The release is part of a series from the U.K. Ministry of Defense and National Archives to make such documents available to the public.

Sheffield Hallam University's David Clarke, who has written on the UFO phenomenon, told The Times of London reports have changed over the years from sightings of "flying saucers" to triangles of light, such as what was depicted in the U.S. television series "The X Files."

"I think either aliens are watching our telly and adapting their aircraft accordingly or people are seeing these things in popular culture and adapting them in their own imagination," Clarke told The Times.

However, the mysteries are far from cleared up and it didn't help that film of the most famous instances -- a 1956 sighting by British air force personnel -- was lost.
