NEW YORK, Oct. 16 (UPI) -- The Polytechnic Institute of New York University has introduced a free online training tool on emerging risks for firefighers.
Advanced Learning Through Integrated Visual Environments (ALIVE) is comprised of short, interactive training modules and incorporate gaming techniques and real-time decision-making scenarios.
The institute originally developed ALIVE with funding from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and in partnership with the Fire Department of New York and the Chicago Fire Department and others, on fire dangers of new building construction and housing materials.
Large, open layouts, increased fuel loads from synthetic materials and furnishings, and minimal fire resistance of structural components make modern residential fires far different from those of past generations, said Prabodh Panindre, senior research scientist at NYU-Poly.
"Many factors contribute to the significant number of deaths and injuries, but perhaps most troubling is the fact that many firefighters were likely not aware of advancements in firefighting methods that could have changed these tragic outcomes," he said.
Added James Dalton, coordinator in the Office of Research and Development at the Chicago Fire Department: "By gaining a better understanding of modern fire behavior through the use of interactive ALIVE training, firefighters are able to adapt more effectively to today's hazardous fire environment, thereby improving their health and safety."