SAN DIEGO, Aug. 28 (UPI) -- A U.S. company that produces software for use with robots has, with its partners, won several awards at the 2012 Robotics Rodeo at Fort Benning, Ga.
California company 5D Robotics Inc. said its software "integrates human behaviors with leading robotics hardware."
"We're happy to be providing a single common software package to so many different companies," said David J. Bruemmer, 5D's vice president for research and development. "At Benning, we enabled a wide range of behaviors on robots ranging in size from 5 pounds to 5000 pounds."
The Robotics Rodeo was sponsored by the U.S. Joint IED Defeat Organization and exhibited the latest technology in unmanned ground systems.
5D Robotics worked with DRS, Mesa Technologies, Segway, AMREL, RE2, MacroUSA and Bokam. Among the awards garnered were: second place dismounted, for DRS' adaptive mission payload; third place mounted for Mesa's ACER; and third place portable for MacroUSA's Scorpion robot.