SEOUL, Dec. 8 (UPI) -- Some 12,000 South Korean "peacemakers" gathered in Seoul Friday to pledge their commitment to promote peace and stability on the Korean peninsula.
"Ambassadors for Peace" also promised to play a role in resolving South Korea's ideological dispute deepening over its relations with its security ally-- the United States -- and Cold War enemy -- North Korea.
In their national rally, the "peacemakers," wearing yellow vests that symbolize world peace and harmony, paraded and shouted slogans for peace.
The meeting was organized by the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP) founded by Rev. Moon Sun-myung of the Unification Church. It was sponsored by Seoul's Unification Ministry and the presidential National Unification Advisory Council.
In a speech, Kwak Chung-hwan, the IIFWP chairman, praised the "peace ambassadors" as key promoters of peace and stability on the peninsula that still remains in a state of war as the 1950-53 Korean War ended without a peace treaty.
"Campaigns for peace are crucial to resolving the current security crisis in South Korea. I believe Ambassadors for Peace will play an important role in achieving peaceful reunification (of the Korean peninsula)," he said.
The gathering is part of the IIFWP's worldwide peace campaigns focused on the Middle East and Asia, organizers said. Hundreds of thousands of "peace ambassadors" are serving across the globe, they said.
The group has also pushed for a series of projects in North Korea to boost cross-border exchange and cooperation.