
Zemeckis, Disney join in 3-D partnership

BURBANK, Calif., Feb. 5 (UPI) -- Director Robert Zemeckis and Walt Disney Studios of Burbank, Calif., set up a performance-capture company devoted to creating computer generated, 3-D movies.

Zemeckis and Disney chairman Dick Cook announced the venture Monday, the Hollywood Reporter said.


The company will create films using performance-capture technology that digitally records an actor's movements and feeds them into a computer, as was done in "Polar Express," which he directed, Zemeckis said.

"In addition to being an enthusiastic champion of 3-D movies, the Walt Disney Studios is committed to the advancement of digital cinema in all areas, including performance capture," Zemeckis said.

Zemeckis and partners Jack Rapke and Steve Starkey will produce all of the films; Zemeckis said he expects to direct a number of the projects. Disney will distribute and market the movies worldwide.

"The creation of this new company is yet another step in our leadership role in cutting edge technology as it relates to the movie industry," Cook said.

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