
DeGaulle and Nasser Die

Published: 1970
Play Audio Archive Story - UPI
Queen Elizabeth is shown chatting with General Charles De Gaulle on her visit to the Convalescent Home for Free French Naval Forces, November 2, 1941, near the British capitol of London. General De Gaulle, who is leader of the Free French Forces, is on a visit to England. (UPI Photo/Files)

Announcer: To his people he was more than a man, more than a political leader, more than a defender of French rights and international dealings. To his people he was "Le Grand Charles", the Great Charles. They remembered 1940, when he asked for their support.

Charles De Gaulle: [French]

Announcer: In 1944, upon his return to power, they remembered him telling them the road to recovery is difficult.

President Charles De Gaulle: [French]

Announcer: They remembered the way he campaigned in 1969.

President Charles De Gaulle and crowd (singing): [French]

Announcer: They remembered 1970 and the day he died.

Unknown Speaker: [French]

Announcer: On Tuesday, November the 12th, Charles De Gaulle was buried. World leaders attended memorial services at Notre Dame Cathedral. The country, in a unanimous outpouring of grief, said farewell to their most beloved 20th Century hero. They said goodbye to Le Grand Charles.

Announcer: 1970 in Review will continue after this message.

The death of another leader came suddenly in 1970. He, like Charles De Gaulle, was revered by his countrymen, and when he died they plainly showed their grief.

Announcer: The most powerful leader in the Arab world, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser died in Cairo on September the 28th at the age of 52. More than any other man, Nasser had shaped the destiny of the Middle East, and his death left a political void throughout the Arab world.

While he was still alive, the biggest hope for peace in the Middle East came when a 90-day ceasefire agreement was reached. Talks were initiated by the United Nations and headed by Ambassador Gunnar Jarring.

Ambassador Gunnar Jarring: "I have pleasure in announcing that the governments of Israel, Jordan and the United Arab Republic have each appointed representatives for the discussions to be held under my auspices for the purpose of reaching agreement on the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East and that these discussions will begin on the 25th of August 1970 at New York."

Announcer: But after less than three weeks into the ceasefire, Israel accused the Arabs of ceasefire violations and they refused to take part in any of the talks.

Unknown Speaker: "In an hour after this, after the ceasefire came into effect, missiles began moving. New sites are constructed, new sites practically up to the very edge of the Suez Canal, which can be flown within a few hours. Live missiles have been, have been sent and of the most sophisticated kind. Then we say, no. Then we're not meeting as equals in these discussions. Then we're meeting we on one side, people that come in with the best of intentions for peace, and then the other side, negotiators with a revolver pointing at our head."