Announcer: 1969, the fulfillment of a dream.
Unknown Speaker: "We copy you down, Eagle... Houston, The Eagle has landed!"
Announcer: 1969, a year of promises and hope.
President Richard M. Nixon: "I have decided to order the immediate redeployment from Vietnam of a divisional equivalent of approximately 25,000 men."
Announcer: 1969, a year of dissent... 1969, for some, a year of frustration.
Edward M. Kennedy: "And so I ask you tonight, the people of Massachusetts, to think this through with me. In facing this decision, I seek your advice and opinion. In making it, I seek your prayers."
Announcer: 1969, the end of a decade, the beginning of a new age of man.
Neil Armstrong: "That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
Announcer: The audio network of United Press International presents, 1969 In Review.
A review in sound of the significant news events of 1969, the year of man’s landing on the moon.