
Charles DeGaulle Defeated

Published: 1969
Play Audio Archive Story - UPI

Announcer: There are those who thought of all the leaders in the world, one was seemingly invincible, but 1969 proved them wrong.

Michael Donegan: “At the age of 78, President Charles de Gaulle showed France and the world he still has plenty of tite left. Running as underdog and advance hold for a nationwide referendum on Sunday, on which he has gambled his political future. De Gaulle came out fighting in an eight minute speech to the nation. Using all the mastery of the French language and the eloquent gestures for which he is famous. De Gaulle again warned the nation in no uncertain terms, he will quit if the vote on the constitutional reform goes against him. He sounded firm and indomitable.”

Charles de Gaulle: "(French.)"

Michael Donegan: “It was a virtuoso performance in the old style, and with only two points to catch up, observers believed this could well dip the scales in favor of another three years of personal de Gaulle rule for France. Michael Donegan, Paris.”

Announcer: The vote came in and de Gaulle went out. His place was taken by Georges Pompidou, and despite de Gaulle’s predictions, France remained calm after his defeat.