Announcer: In February, Secretary Dulles returned to Washington from one of his many trips to Europe in search of Western unity. Already he was ailing with cancer, but his voice was strong, his speech direct.
John Foster Dulles: "We have reconfirmed the unity and firmness of our position, the position expressed in the Joint Communique of the four powers in Paris on December 14th. We do not accept any substitution of East Germans for the Soviet Union in its responsibilities toward Berlin and its obligations to us. We are resolved that our position in, and access to, West Berlin shall be preserved."
Announcer: The following day Dulles entered Walter Reed Hospital for an operation, then to Florida to recuperate. When he returned to the wintry North, newsmen awaited him amid the hustle of Washington's National Airport.
John Foster Dulles: "Well, I'll tell ya, we just had a conference as to whether or not we could turn the plane around and go back to Florida"
Newsman: "It's pretty cold up here, isn't it, sir?"
Newsman: "How ya feeling, Mr. Secretary?"
Newsman: "How ya feeling, Mr. Secretary?"
John Foster Dulles: "I feel pretty good."
Announcer: He was met by Vice-President Nixon.
Richard M. Nixon: "I would say that he looks as well as certainly you could expect. Mr. -- Mr. Dulles never complains about how he feels, I can assure you that's a -- I find that in asking him a question as to how he feels, you, it's, it's purely rhetorical, because he'll always say, 'Well, I feel fine.'"
Announcer: A short month later, Dulles was dead. He was buried in Arlington National Cemetery May 27th, with the sounds of spring all around.
Unknown speaker: "'I am the First and the Last,' said the Lord. 'I am He that liveth and was dead, and the receiver of life is over and our work is done.' And in Thy mercy grant us a safe lodging and a holy rest, and peace at the last; through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen."