
UPI Focus: Belgrade: General killed on front line

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, June 1 -- One of Yugoslavia's senior military leaders, Gen. Ljubisa Velickovic, has been killed under unexplained conditions. His death was announced by the Yugoslav military today, but it has been given little attention in both the pro-government and opposition Belgrade media.

The usually reliable Radio Pancevo station, breaking the news of his death, described him as the chief of the Yugoslav air force and quoted a Supreme Command statement as saying he was killed while visiting units 'at the front lines of defense of the fatherland.' Nothing was said about when, where or how he died. The opposition-controlled Studio B television station later said the general was a 'wartime' assistant chief of staff of the Supreme Command for the air force. Velickovic was replaced last year as chief of the Yugoslav air force and air defenses and was appointed assistant federal defense minister, a position considered at the time as a demotion. He had flown the most advanced fighter planes in the Yugoslav fleet, and had been celebrated until recently as the country's top airman. He will be buried at his native village near Pozarevac, in eastern Serbia, on June 3. ---


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