
Bild: Glenn Miller died in bordello

BONN, Germany, July 13 -- The German newspaper Bild reports that an author researching a book on German intelligence says secret documents indicate band leader Glenn Miller died in the arms of a prostitute in a Parisian bordello -- not a plane crash. Miller led the Army-Air Force band, which gave live concerts and made broadcasts to troops throughout the world during World War II.

The official record says Miller died in a plane crash over the English Channel in 1944. But German journalist Udo Ulfkotte said he uncovered secret U.S. documents while working on a book on Germany's BND intelligence agency. He said the documents say Miller died of a heart attack in the arms of a French prostitute in 1944. Ulfkotte said the true cause of Miller's death was kept secret to protect the morale of U.S. troops. Ulfkotte said what he uncovered was a typical example of wartime misinformation. ---


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