LA PAZ, May 23 -- A group of Cuban anthropologists has begun searching in Bolivia for the remains of Argentine revolutionary Ernesto 'Che' Guevara ('air-NEHZ-toh CHAY geh-VAH-rah'), who was killed by the Bolivian military 30 years ago. An earlier attempt to find Guevara was abandoned last year after five sets of human remains were uncovered near an airstrip in Vallegrande ('VIGH-yay-GRAN'-day'), 300 miles (500 km) southeast of La Paz.
Cuban anthropologist Jorge Gonzalez said digging at the site would not begin until a certain amount of prospecting was carried out using special radar equipment. Guevara, who participated in the Cuban revolution and then moved on to Bolivia to lead another rebel group, was captured by the Bolivian military and killed in 1967 along with a number of his comrades. Interior Ministry official Jose Luis Harb said the government authorized the new search, and municipal authorities in Vallegrande lifted their earlier objections. ---
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