HOUSTON, Nov. 10 -- Texas Gov.-elect George W. Bush said Thursday that he opposes California's Proposition 187, which limits access for illegal immigrants in that state to public health and education programs. Speaking at a news conference, Bush said he believes in referendums which allow voters to express their opinions, but he does not agree with the controversial California proposition under attack in courts.
'I am not for 187,' Bush said. 'I am opposed to not educating or providing social services to people who are in our state. I do believe we ought to enforce our borders.' He praised the U.S. Border Patrol's efforts in El Paso under a program known as Operation Hold The Line. In an experimental program additional personnel were used there to shut down illegal immigration across the Rio Grande. During his campaign, Bush repeatedly called for enforcing the borders and preventing illegal aliens from entering the state. 'I hope I'm able to convince the now Republican Senate and Republican House to provide funds necessary to enact Operation Hold The Line up and down the border,' he said of Congress. Bush, the eldest son of former President George Bush, defeated Democratic Gov. Ann Richards in Tuesday's election.