WASHINGTON -- The Defense Department Wednesday released a list of Somalia casualties, completing its accounting for all 12 Americans killed in a U.S. Army Ranger raid and firefight in Mogadishu earlier this week.
The list includes three senior enlisted men who are not members of either the Ranger unit that conducted the raid or the helicopter unit that supported it.
The soldiers' affiliation was given as the U.S. Army Special Forces Command at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, which oversees the Army's 'Green Beret' Special Forces groups but not the Rangers.
The Special Forces casualties are all more senior than the other enlisted men killed in the action, whose highest rank was sergeant.
The two helicopter pilots killed in the action were both warrant officers.
A Defense Department spoksewoman, Stephanie Hoehne, said the Special Forces personnel were along on the raid because of their knowledge of Africa, including languages.
Most Green Berets with African language skills are found in the 3rd Special Forces Group at Fort Bragg, not its parent headquarters.
Ever since the Raingers' departure for Somalia, there have been persistent reports that they were augmented by members of the Army's Delta Force, whose mission is to counter terrorists.
The Army does not acknowledge the existence of anything called Delta Force.
The latest Somalia casualty list including age, home of record and unit of assignment is:
Chief Warrant Officer Donovan L. Briley, 33, North Little Rock, Arkansas, 160th Aviation Regiment, Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
Cpl. James M. Cavaco, 26, Forestdale, Mississippi, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia.
Specialist Dominick M. Pilla, 21, Vineland, New Jersey, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia.
Sgt. Lorenzo M. Ruiz, 27, El Paso, Texas, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia.
Specialist James E. Smith, 21, Long Valley, New Jersey, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia.
Master Sgt. Timothy L. Martin, 38, Aurora Dearborne, Ind., U.S. Army Special Forces Command, Fort Bragg, New Carolina.
Sgt. 1st Class Earl R. Fillmore, 28, Blairsville, Pennsylvania, U.S. Army Special Forces Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Staff Sgt. Daniel D. Busch, 25, Portage, Wisconsin, U.S. Army Special Forces Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina.NEWLN:
Casualties whose identities were released Monday:
Pfc. James H. Martin, Jr., 23, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, New York.
Pfc. Richard W. Kowalewski, Jr., 20, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia.
Sgt. James C. Joyce, 24, 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia.
Chief Warrant Officer Clifton P. Wolcott, 36, 160 Aviation Regiment, Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
No homes of record were released with the earlier list.