
Clinton picks Judge Louis Freeh as FBI director

WASHINGTON -- President Clinton said Tuesday he will nominate U. S. District Judge Louis Freeh of New York, a 43-year-old former FBI agent and federal prosecutor, as director of the FBI.

If confirmed by the Senate, Freeh would replace William Sessions, who Clinton fired Monday.


In introducing Freeh at a Rose Garden ceremony, Clinton described Freeh, 'a law enforcement legend'

'Judge Louis Freeh knows the FBI,' the president said. 'He has investigated and prosecuted some of the most complex crimes of our time.

'He will be both good and tough. Good for the FBI, and tough on criminals.'

Speaking briefly, Freeh said, 'If confirmed by the Senate I pledge a total commitment to the FBI, whose only beacon is the rule of law.'

'Our country must be made safe again, the cities, towns, villages and countryside,' the nominee said. 'The issue is stark - do we allow criminals to destroy our freedom and Constitution or take steps to protect our basic civil rights.'

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