
Text of U.S.-Soviet statement on Iraq

MOSCOW -- Here is the text of the joint U.S.-Soviet statement on Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, as read by Secretary of State James Baker at a news conference with Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze:

'The Soviet Union and the United States, as members of the United Nations Security Council, consider it important that the Council promptly and decisively (has) condemned the brutal and illegal invasion of Kuwait by Iraqi military forces.


'The United States and the Soviet Union believe that now it is essential that the Security Council resolution be fully and immediately implemented. By its actions Iraq has shown its contempt for the most fundamental principles of the United Nations charter and international law.

'In response to this blatant transgression of the basic norms of civilized conduct, the United States and the Soviet Union have each taken a number of actions, including the Soviet suspension of arms deliveries and the American freezing of assets.

'The Soviet Union and United States reiterate our call for unconditional Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait. The sovereignty, national independence, legitimate authorities and territorial integrity of the state of Kuwait must be completely restored and safeguarded.


'The United States and the Soviet Union believe the international community must not only condemn this action, but also take practical steps in response to it. Today we take the unusual step of jointly calling on the rest of the international community to join with us in an international cut-off of all arms supplies to Iraq.

'In addition, the Soviet Union and the United States call on regional organizations, especially the League of Arab States, all Arab governments as well as the non-aligned movement and the Islamic Conference to take all possible steps to ensure that the United Nations Security Council resolution is carried out.

'Governments that engage in blatant aggression must know that the international community cannot and will not acquiesce in or facilitate aggression.'

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