
CHICKEN BY GEORGE: There she is, Phyllis George, chicken...

By WILLIAM C. TROTT, United Press International

CHICKEN BY GEORGE: There she is, Phyllis George, chicken magnate. The former Miss America and short-lived CBS morning-show anchor, had a giant chicken replica on her arm Tuesday night as she appeared before a tent full of supermarket owners at her Lexington, Ky., home to introduce Chicken by George.

Her new company sells high-priced marinated and stuffed chicken breasts in Kentucky and southern Indiana. 'Here she is, she's in the chicken biz,' went the parody on the Miss America theme song. 'You won't like it,' Phyllis told the group. 'By George, you'll love it.' The chicken was test-marketed last year but George's connection was kept quiet then. 'We wanted an honest reaction,' she said. 'If (customers) had known I was associated with it, it could have influenced the test.' By her side was husband John Y. Brown, who made a fortune on Kentucky Fried Chicken. 'It's a challenge being in business with your wife,' Brown said. 'I got fired twice last week.'


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