ST. GEORGE, Utah -- The 'Great Peace' marchers, preaching global nuclear disarmament along their planned cross-country trek, rested Wednesday at a temporary camp of villages outside St. George.
The more than 300 activists bivouacked at a temporary settlement organized into villages with an elected town council.
They invited southern Utahns to visit their mobile community at an open house.
The marchers take periodic rests but fear even short halts could hurt their momentum. A month ago, a three-week hold up in California's Mojave Desert due to money and organizational problems almost destroyed the march. Less than half the original 1,200 marchers remain.
'Sometimes when we don't walk, it's definitely harder to keep up morale,' Lisa Temple said. 'Walking really helps build up our community. All the harder things, like dealing with politics or dealing with what kind of rules and regulations we'll have, are a lot easier when you have a community walking every day.'
The marchers plan to walk north along Interstate Highway 15 until May 3 when they will be bused to Salt Lake City and Provo in northern Utah. After a day of speaking and fund raising, they will be bused to Green River in eastern Utah.
From Green River, they will walk the last 100 miles to the Utah-Colorado state line. The marchers left Los Angeles on March 1 and hope to reach Washington, D.C., by mid-November.