
Following are the moves in the 24th and final...

MOSCOW -- Following are the moves in the 24th and final game Saturday of the World Chess Championship between winner Gary Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov. Karpov played white.

Karpov Kasparov. 1. e4 c5 2 N-f3 d6 3 d4 cxd 4. Nxd4 N-f6 5. N-c3 a6 6. B-e2 e6 7. 0-0 b-E7 8. f4 0-0 9. K-h1 Q-c7 10. a4 N-c6 11. B-e3 R-e8 12. B-f3 R-b8 13. Q-d2 B-d7 14. N-b3 b6 15. g4 B-c8 16. g5 N-d7 17. Q-f2 B-f8 18. B-g2 B-b7 19. Ra-d1 g6 20. B-c1 Rb-c8 21. R-d3 N-b4 22. R-h3 B-g7 23. B-e3 R-e7 24. K-g1 Rc-e8 25. R-d1 f5 26. gxf Nxf6 27. R-g3 R-f7 28. Bxb6 Q-b8 29. B-e3 N-h5 30. R-g4 N-f6 31. R-h4 g5 32. fxg N-g4 33. Q-d2 Nxe3 34. Qxe3 Nxc2 35. Q-b6 B-a8 36. Rxd6 R-b7 37. Qxa6 Rxb3 38. Rxe6 Rxb2 39. Q-c4 K-h8 40. e5 Q-a7 check 41. K-h1 B-g2 check 42.


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