
West Germany congratulated Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova on the...

PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia -- West Germany congratulated Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova on the 20th anniversary of her space flight, the official CTK news agency reported.

Miss Tereshkova, whose June 1963 space flight made her the first woman in space, was a Soviet delegate this week to an international peace conference in Prague dedicated to protesting U.S. policy and the planned deployment of new U.S. medium range nuclear missiles in Europe.


'I was lucky to see our beautiful planet from space,' Ms. Tereshkova said after she was congratulated on the 20th anniversary of the space flight.

'We are all crew of spaceship earth and everybody must protect it. We must unify all our forces and say no to nuclear war. Let us do our best for world peace in the future.'

The news agency made no mention of current U.S. shuttle astronaut Sally Ride.

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