
The Democratic National Committee Saturday condemned President Reagan's budget...

WASHINGTON -- The Democratic National Committee Saturday condemned President Reagan's budget as a 'sham' and said his nuclear arms policy 'threatens to end life on this planet as we know it.'

The committee adopted a resolution calling for killing the July tax cut for those who make $50,000 a year or more, repealing tax indexing, cutting Reagan's proposed increase in defense spending and passing a jobs program.


'We Democrats would reverse this administration's callous ivory tower disregard for the suffering of the unemployed by passing imediately a major jobs bill to put Americans back to work,' the resolution said.

The resolution said two years 'after Reaganonmics has been put in place we see America more deeply in recession and more of our citizens without jobs than ever before in the last 50 years.'

'The nation and the world cry out for leadership. Instead the president has offered in his budget message and State of the Union address more of the same failed policies,' it said.

'The president's budget is a sham,' the resolution said. 'The president's so-called 'freeze' is really a formula for continued unfairness toward working Americans and the poor.'


'We see the Reagan administration making war on its own chosen personnel in arms control agencies while the United States and the Soviet Union rush headlong down a dangerous path of nuclear arms competition that threatens to end life on this planet as we know it through mankind's final war,' it said.

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