WASHINGTON -- The 54-33 vote by which the Senate gave final congressional approval the nickel-a-gallon gasoline tax increase and highway construction program.
For -- (54)
Republicans for (34): Abdnor, S.D.; Andrews, N.D.; Baker, Tenn.; Boschwitz, Minn.; Brady, N.J.; Chafee, R.I.; D'Amato, N.Y.; Danforth, Mo.; Dole, Kan.; Domenici N.M.; Durenberger, Minn.; Gorton, Wash.; Grassley, Iowa; Hatfield, Ore.; Hayakawa, Calif.; Heinz, Pa.; Jepsen, Iowa; Laxalt, Nev.; Lugar, Ind.; Mathias, Md.; Packwood, Ore.; Percy, Ill.; Pressler, S.D.; Quayle, Ind.; Roth, Del.; Rudman, N.H.; Schmitt, N.M.; Specter, Pa.; Stafford, Vt.; Stevens, Alaska; Symms, Idaho; Thurmond, S.C.; Warner, Va.; and Weicker, Conn.
Democrats for (20): Bentsen, Texas; Bradley, N.J.; Burdick, N.D.; Byrd, Va.; Chiles, Fla.; Cranston, Calif.; DeConcini, Ariz.; Dixon, Ill.; Dodd, Conn.; Hart, Colo.; Huddleston, Ky.; Leahy, Vt.; Levin, Mich.; Long, La.; Matsunaga, Hawaii; Moynihan, N.Y.; Pell, R.I.; Randolph, W.Va.; Stennis, Miss.; and Tsongas, Mass.
Against -- (33)
Republicans against (16): Armstrong, Colo.; Cochran, Miss.; Cohen, Maine; East, N.C.; Garn, Utah; Goldwater, Ariz.; Hatch, Utah; Hawkins, Fla.; Helms, N.C.; Kasten, Wis; Mattingly, Ga.; McClure, Idaho; Nickles, Okla.; Simpson, Wyo.; Tower, Texas and Wallop, Wyo.
Democrats against (17): Boren, Okla.; Byrd, W.Va.; Eagleton, Mo.; Exon, Neb.; Ford, Ky.; Heflin, D-Ala.; Inouye, Hawaii; Johnston, La.; Kennedy, Mass.; Melcher, Mont.; Metzenbaum, Ohio; Mitchell, Maine; Nunn, Ga.; Proxmire, Wis.; Pryor, Ark.; Sarbanes, Md.; and Sasser, Tenn.
Absent and not voting (13): Baucus, D-Mont.; Biden, D-Del.; Bumpers, D-Ark.; Cannon, D-Nev.; Denton, R-Ala.; Glenn, D-Ohio; Hollings, D-S.C.; Humphrey, D-N.H.; Jackson, D-Wash.; Murkowski, D-Alaska; Riegle, D-Mich.; and Zorinsky, D-Neb.
Paired for: Glenn, D-Ohio.
Paired against: Riegle, D-Mich.