
An Iran diplomat resigned unexpectedly today and fled to...


ROME -- An Iran diplomat resigned unexpectedly today and fled to France to protest what he called the 'repressive and reactionary' regime of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, accusing the Iranian government of killing 10,000 people.

In a statement to news organizations, charge d'affaires Mohammad Hossein Naghdi, 31, said part of the reason for his action was that the Khomeini regime forced Iranian diplomats abroad to track down exiled political opponents.


Naghdi asked the news organizations to withhold release of the statement until a certain hour, when sources said he expected to be out of Italy. The sources said he later flew to France.

The diplomat, who assumed his post last year after Iranian Ambassador Mohamed Baher Nassir Sadat Salami resigned and fled in a similar protest, said he was denouncing summary executions of political opponents and the regime's repressive measures.

'This consideration has led me to disassociate myself with the political line of the Khomeini regime,' Naghdi said.

'In front of the incapacity to resolve the grave economic and social problems of the country, the current reactionary regime accentuates repressive measures. On the other hand, abroad it promotes intimidating actions against democratic opposers,' he said.


'To this end the Teheran government has for some time put pressure on its diplomats to identify not only active political opponents, but even those who abstain from propaganda in favor of Islamic fundamentalism,' Naghdi's statement said.

He said there have been more than 10,000 executions in Iran since Khomeini assumed power and 30,000 political opponents have been arrested.

'To collaborate with the current regime would only signify betraying the ideals of the revolution of February, 1979, and to become an accomplice to the crimes it has perpetrated.' he said.

Naghdi appealed to 'all Italian democratic forces to condemn the ruthless repression of the regime in Iran and to express their solidarity with Iranian democratic organizations.'

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