
Veteran cowboy actor Russell Hayden, who rode alongside Hopalong...

PALM SPRINGS, Calif. -- Veteran cowboy actor Russell Hayden, who rode alongside Hopalong Cassidy in the popular film series, has died of viral pneumonia. He was 70.

In the late 1930s, Hayden was touted by the studios as the 'rootin', tootin', riding Romeo of the screen.'


He went on to gain fame as the sidekick 'Lucky' in the Hopalong Cassidy series in the late 1940s and 1950s. Hayden later appeared with Jackie Coogan in the 'Cowboy G Men' series from 1950-52 and Jimmy 'Shamrock' Ellison for billing as the 'Irish Cowboys.'

'He was beautiful, strong and compassionate,' said his widow, Lillian 'Mousie' Porter, a former 20th Century-Fox contract actress. 'When he was producing shows he was a real hard man to work for, but they all loved him. He was a doll.'

Hayden produced and directed several television series, but he was best known as a cowboy in the tradition of Tom Mix and Bill Hart.

Hayden produced and directed '26 Men,' a TV series on the Arizona Rangers which was filmed at studios he built in Phoenix with ABC. He also produced, directed and appeared in the 'Judge Roy Bean' series in 1956-57.


He died Tuesday at Desert Hospital, one day before his 71st birthday.

Miss Porter said a memorial service had been scheduled for July at their ranch. She said burial would be at Oakwood Cemetery in Los Angeles.

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