ARLINGTON, Texas -- The Seattle Mariners were forced to sport hand-me-down chic during their game Sunday against the Texas Rangers thanks to the thieves who broke into the visitors' clubhouse and stole their uniforms.
Taken were all the Mariners' batting helmets, 22 uniform tops, 24 caps and five catcher's mitts values at about $3,500.
Mariners officials tried to purchase Seattle caps from concessionaires, but they were out of stock. Instead, the team had to settle for Milwaukee Brewer caps, which also have a blue and gold color scheme.
The Seattle catchers borrowed mitts from the Rangers and Mariners batters used Rangers batting helmets. They all wore Mariners warm-up jerseys during the game.
However, their attire didn't matter as Joe Simpson went 3-for-5 and drove in three runs and Dan Meyer was 4-for-5 with an RBI to lead Seattle to a 5-3 victory.