DALLAS, Nov. 25, 1963 (UPI) - His lips sealed forever, his body in Secret Service custody, Lee Harvey Oswald lay without mourners today in a heavily guarded Fort Worth funeral home.
The possibility of a desecrating attack on his corpse was not overlooked.
Jack Ruby, the striptease nightclub owner who shot him to death before a nationwide television audience, will please temporary insanity at his trial for murder.
Ruby was hustled from the city jail to the county jail seven blocks away just before noon today. He was rushed into a car by two detectives and ducked down in the seat. It was the same trip Oswald started yesterday. At that time Ruby leaped from a crowd of police and newsmen, and with a curse, jammed a snub-nosed 38-caliber revolver within four inches of Oswald's left ribs and pulled the trigger once.
Oswald died 105 minutes later.
Rumors cropped up that the 52-year-old Ruby had died in his city jail cell by poison, hanging, or stabbing. Another rumor said District Attorney Henry Wade had been shot. Both were false.
Secret Service agents ordered Oswald's body brought from Parkland Memorial Hospital to the Miller Funeral Home in the dark of night. Eight policemen with at least two police dogs guarded the home.
Under glaring lights they made photographs of the defector's body.
By noon, neither Oswald's wife, Marina, his brother nor his mother had come to see him. There was no word on services or burial place.
Funeral Director Paul J. Groody said he hoped no one would "be that low" as to try to mutilate the body.
"Even Oswald is entitled to a decent burial."
Two Negro boys tried to get in but were turned away. A man telephoned for permission to see the body. He got a curt no.
Dallas Police Capt. Glenn King, acting as a spokesman, said police knew nothing of a map they were reported to have found in Oswald's room that showed the path of the assassination bullets. But police and Wade said there was more than enough evidence to condemn the pro-Castro Marxist who once defected to Russia.
As far as Dallas police were concerned, the Oswald case was closed, though the federal government continued its investigation.
Eventually, said Police Chief Jesse Curry, "We intend to make the entire file public unless federal authorities specifically request that some part be withheld and turned over to them."
Defense attorney Tom Howard said Ruby was emotionally disturbed. He was "proud to be an American," Howard said. The defense would be temporary insanity.
"It's hard, but we may be able to find an impartial jury," Howard said.
No one denied he was the self-appointed executioner who slipped through tight security rings. A nation watched the act.