WASHINGTON, Nov. 23, 1963 (UPI) - The body of President Kennedy was returned to the White House at 4:30 a.m. EST today in a flag-draped casket borne by servicemen and followed by his sorrowing widow. A gray Navy ambulance, in which Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy rode, carried the casket from Bethesda Naval Hospital to the White House.
It entered the northwest gate and moved to the crepe-lined portico in a slow procession behind an escort of 12 Marines.
Six servicemen representing all of the armed forces acted as pallbearers.
The casket was carried past an honor guard of other military men from the portico through the lobby and a hall to the East Room, where it was to lie in repose through the day.
Mrs. Kennedy, still wearing the pink suit she had on in Dallas, yesterday, walked behind the coffin, accompanied by the slain president's brother, Attny. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy.
The casket was placed on a catafalque - a platform - in the center of the East Room. Black crepe was in place along the north wall of the room, largest in the White House.
A military honor guard awaited the casket, to remain with it until the president's body is removed tomorrow to lie in state at the Capitol.
Also present were two priests, to pray through the night for Kennedy, the nation's first Catholic president.
Grey curtains were drawn on the windows of the ambulance, but hundreds of hushed spectators outside the White House could see the flag-covered casket through the back window of the vehicle.
The procession came through the White House gate at 4:25 a.m. EST. It proceeded for several minutes along the curved drive leading to the portico at a slow speed behind the contingent of 12 Marines who marched with their rifles in a position of salute.
Another minute or two elapsed while the casket was removed from the vehicle and carried slowly to the portico and through the black-draped doors, entering the mansion at 4:30 a.m. EST.