
Negroes demand equality in Birmingham

BIRGMINGHAM, Ala., May 4, 1963 (UPI) - Negroes were urged today to make this a "double D-Day" of racial demonstrations in a continuing drive to crack Birmingham's major segregation barriers. Negro youths were called to three mass meetings to touch off fresh demonstrations. New marches were expected.

More than 200 Negroes, including many children, were arrested yesterday, bringing to approximately 1,000 the number put in jail or juvenile homes in two days.


Negro leaders said about 10 persons were bitten by police dogs that were brought out on long leashes to push back yesterday's demonstrators. Most of the injuries were minor and only one person was hospitalized.

"Yesterday was D Day in Birmingham, let us make tomorrow double D-Day," integration leader Martin Luther King Jr. told a cheering throng of more than 2000 packed last night into the 16th Street Baptist Church.

The church, across the street from the park where fire hoses and dogs were turned on Negroes yesterday, rocked for about three hours to the chants and hand-clapping cadence of "freedom" songs.

King, introduced as the "Black Moses of America," urged Negroes to halt all forms of violence, including rock throwing or use of profanity.


King reacted strongly, however, to a statement by Attorney General Robert Kennedy suggesting that the all-out integration drive here was ill-timed.

"I grow weary of those who ask us to slow down," King told a reporter. "I begin to feel that the moderates in America are our worst enemy. They are the ones who assure success for groups like the Black Muslims."

A list of 10 names of persons bitten by dogs or otherwise hurt was read to the meeting last night before a collection for flowers and doctors' bills was taken. A seven-year-old child allegedly was among the group. Her injury was a skinned nose received in a fall while running from a police dog.

King recited again the integration movement's price for racial peace here: Desegregation of eating and other public places, job upgrading, dropping all charges against arrested demonstrators and appointment of a biracial committee to work out a plan for school desegregation.

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