
Hungarians defy Soviet tanks in kidnap protest


BUDAPEST, Dec. 3, 1956 (UP) - Soviet tanks hovered on the outskirts of Budapest today after Hungarians staged new anti-Russian, anti-Communist demonstrations in the capital city.

The demonstrations erupted in two places yesterday - along Lenin Ave. in downtown Buda (the southwestern half of Budapest) and across the Danube River in Pest. Both were carried out under the muzzles of Russian guns.


Soviet tanks had been parked in inconspicuous positions during the last week of comparative calm. When yesterday's protests began they rumbled back to key corners in Budapest.

When the demonstrations died down last night, the armored units withdrew to the outskirts.

The Hungarian government admitted citizens had been deported to Russia but claimed they had been returned. It also said "many thousands of arms" were still in the hands of "counter-revolutionaries."

Reports reaching Budapest today also indicated guerillas still were striking against Soviet forces from forest hideouts. The resistance in the uranium and coal-mining center of Pecs was said to be particularly strong.

Informed sources said the Soviet commander in Pecs was killed in a clash with Hungarian freedom fighters. His successor, according to the informants, has threatened to hang captured guerillas as "traitors."


The march down Lenin Ave. started after Russian soldiers abducted an unidentified man in broad daylight.

A considerable force of Soviet armored cars and troop carriers converged on the streets. Everyone was ordered off the street by Russian soldiers brandishing machine guns.

Some of the demonstrators retreated to doorways but others defiantly stood their ground, whistling and jeering at the Russian troops. The Red troops withdrew without firing a shot.

Across the river, workers publicly burned government-controlled newspapers in Moscow Square to demonstrate their support for the Budapest Workers Council.

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