MONTGOMERY, Ala., Dec. 6, 1955 (UP) - About 4,000 Negroes voted at a mass meeting last night to stay off the city buses until a satisfactory arrangement is worked out in a squabble over Jim Crow seating. The crowd jammed into a Baptist church for the rally that came after the first day's boycott of the buses, to protest the conviction of a seamstress who refused to take a Jim Crow seat, was called "90 per cent effective." She was fined $10.
The group adopted a resolution at the meeting "to refrain from riding buses owned and operated in the city of Montgomery by the Montgomery City Lines Inc., until some arrangements have been worked out between the citizens and the Montgomery City Lines."
The resolution further stated that "the Negro citizens of Montgomery are ready and willing to send a delegation of citizens to the Montgomery City Lines to discuss their grievances and to work out a solution for the same."