NEWPORT, R. I. -- Senator John F. Kennedy (Dem.), Massachusetts, and heiress Jacqueline Lee Bouvier were married today in a dazzling ceremony before 1,400 wedding guests and more than 1,000 sightseers.
Police had to struggle to keep a surging crowd of curious out of St. Mary's Catholic Church where the 36-year-old Senator and his 24-year-old bride exchanged marriage vows.
One woman fainted inside the flower-garlanded church which was crowded beyond its 700 capacity with some of the nation's most prominent social, financial and political figures.
Pontlficial Blessing.
Archbishop Richard J. Cushing of Boston recited the nuptial rite. The Archbishop celebrated mass and gave the couple the pontifical blessing of Pope Pius XII.
The bride, wearing an ivory silk taffeta gown with a rose-point lace veil en train, was given in marriage by her stepfather, Hugh D. Auchincloss.
Best man was Robert F. Kennedy of Hyannisport, Mass., the bridegroom's younger brother.
The throng of the curious, many of whom arrived in special sightseeing busses, temporarily got out of hand and tried to rush the church after the ceremony began. Police immediately closed the doors and pulled the crowd back across the street with a rope barrier.
Guests Greeted by Pair.
They stood in a reception line at Hammersmith farm, the bride's family estate, for two hours and shook hands with most of the 1400 wedding guests.
The guests included a liberal sprinkling of Senators and Representatives, business associates of the bridegroom's multi-millionaire father, Joseph P. Kennedy, and social register friends of the young bride.
The newlyweds announced plans to spend the night in New York and then fly to the West Coast for a three-week stay. Kennedy met his bride while she was working as an inquiring photographer for the Washington Times-Herald.