
Churchill calls for joint Anglo-American bases

FULTON, Mo., March 5, 1946 (UP) - Former Prime Minister Winston Churchill, in his speech at little Westminster college today asked for the creation and joint use of Anglo-American sea and air bases.

Mr. Churchill reminded his audience that he spoke without official standing.


These are high points of his somber speech:

A Soviet "shadow" is being cast upon "scenes so lately lighted by Allied victory."

There should be a cooperative Anglo-American use of sea and air bases in continuance of the wartime "mutual security."

A "special relationship" between the United States and the British commonwealth would be consistent with overriding loyalties to the UNO.

"Nobody knows what Russia or the Communist international organization intends to do in the immediate future or what are the limits, if any, of their expansive proselytizing tendencies."

The "Russian-dominated" Polish government made "enormous and wrongful inroads upon Germany."

"One of the more somber facts...on the morrow of victory" is the "growing challenge and peril to Christian civilization" caused by "Communist parties or fifth columns" around the world.

The Communists in Europe have obtained "power far beyond their numbers and are seeking everywhere to obtain totalitarian control."

The UNO must "immediately" begin an "international armed force" with each participating nation providing air force units.


It would be wrong to give atomic bomb secrets to the UNO. They should be held for the time being by the United States, Britain and Canada.

The people of any nation should be given the right to "free and unfettered elections with a secret ballot."

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