MOSCOW, Jan. 22, 1924 (UP) -- Lenin is dead.
The man who led the Russian revolution and overthrew the long established order of the czar passed away at a moment when his party is beginning to reap the fruits of his labors.
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MOSCOW, Jan. 22, 1924 (UP) -- Lenin is dead. The man who led the Russian revolution and overthrew the long established order of the czar passed away at a moment when his party is beginning to reap the fruits of his labors.
Ill for many months, the Bolshevik leader died while others carried on the soviet government he founded.
Lenin had become an enigma to his countrymen, living in seclusion, his condition carefully concealed from the world.
It was known that he had suffered a form of paralysis and that famous specialists had come from far lands to treat him.
Only a fortnight ago, it was reported to Russia at large that Lenin was getting well. He had been out hunting rabbits on Christmas Day - the Christmas of the "capitalistic" countries be scorned - and again on New Year Day. His early return to participation in Russian affairs was even rumored.
No one from the outside world was permitted to see Lenin. He was kept closely guarded, while others carried on the affairs of the government and the country that had followed his lead awaited his return.
Today came word of his death - many times rumored, and as often denied.
The funeral will be held Saturday.
On that day the body of Lenin will be interred in the Kremlin Wall, beside that of Sverthoff, one of his fellow leaders in the great upheaval in Russia.
The body will be brought to Moscow tomorrow and will lie in state.
The death of Lenin came as a blow to his millions of followers. Despite his two years' absence from the Kremlin he was first in the hearts of the Russians who rose behind him and overthrew the Romanoff dynasty.
They had always looked forward to his return. Some few, who knew the worst, may have given up hope. But not the great majority of Russia. As this country's commercial relations with other nations improved, the talk was always of "when Lenin gets back to work."
Now Lenin is dead.
He lived, however, to see the state he dreamed of and fought for, take its place among the nations of the world; a state not yet recognized by many governments, but standing on its own feet.
Simultaneously with Lenin's death comes the passing from supreme power in Russia of the man who led with him - Leon Trotsky.
The latter, soviet war minister, has been relegated to seventh place among the leaders of the less radical order of things in Russia.
What effect the death of Lenin will have upon Trotsky's future it is too early to predict. Many believe he never will return to the place he enjoyed when he and the late leader stood side by side at the head of Bolshevik affairs.
The official bulletin issued by the physicians said:
"Nicolai Lenin's condition took an unexpected turn for the worse Jan. 21.
"By 5:30 a.m. he was breathing with great difficulty. He became unconscious and his respiration was accompanied by convulsive movements of the body.
"At 6:50 a.m. Lenin died of paralysis of the respiratory organs."
The official announcement said:
"There was not the slightest sign to indicate the possibilities of death lately.
"Lenin's condition had improved immensely and prospects were most hopeful.
"Suddenly in the evening he took a turn for the worse and a few hours later died.
"The assembled all-Russian soviet congress and the unions of the soviet congress who are about to assemble will take steps to insure the continuation of government matters.
"The death of Lenin is the greatest blow since the workmen and peasants gained power. It will move not only our peasants and workers, but the whole world."