Benito Mussolini (C) appears pictured with Michele Bianchi, Emilio De Bono, Italo Balbo and Cesare Maria De Vecchi (from lft to right) during the March of Rome on October 28 1922. Mussolini, who was 38 years old at the time, assumed office on October 31, 1922 becoming the youngest Prime Minister in Italian history. File photo via
ROME, Oct. 31, 1922 (UP) -- The new Italian cabinet under Benito Mussolini assumed office today when the ministers appeared at the palace and took the oath of office before the king.
A general election is to follow this change of government as soon as the present chamber passes certain necessary routine legislation. It is expected the Fascist party will gain in the new Parliament.
Mussolini formed his cabinet with characteristic bluntness. Once he had been received by the king the Fascist leader wasted few words in political maneuvering.
Signor Di Cesaro was introduced to Mussolini. "I am appointing you minister of posts and telegraph. Do you accept?"
"Yes," replied the astonished minister.
"Thanks, good day," said Mussolini, turning away.
In this manner he went about forming his ministry. To Federzino, whom he happened to see in passing thru the throng of admirers gathered about the Quirinal after his audience with the king, Mussolini said: "You'll be minister of the colonies. Your under secretary will be Giovannia Marchi. Now go."
The final list of ministers and under secretaries included 15 Fascisti, six Popolari, three Nationalists, and three Social Democrats.
"Not a ministry, but a government," he had promised a great throng earlier in the day and the personnel of his cabinet--- overwhelmingly Fascist--- indicates his intention to make that government fulfil the ideal of Fascismo.
The personnel of the cabinet are as follows:
President and minister of the interior and minister of foreign affairs, Benito Mussolini.
Minister of war, General Armando Diaz.
Minister of marine, Vice Admiral Thaon Di Revel.
Minister of justice, Aldo Oviglio.
Minister of colonies, Luigi Federzoni.
Minister of finance, De Stephani.
Minister of the treasury, Inaudi.
Minister of redeemed provinces, Giuriati.
Minister of public works, Carnazza.
Minister of industry, Rossi.
Minister of instruction, Gentilo.
Minister of arts, Casertano.
Minister of social welfare, Cavazzoni.
Minister of agriculture, De Capitani.
Minister of posts, Dicesaro, with Giunta as under secretary.
Under secretaries for Premier Mussolini are Signors Acerbo, Lusignoli, and Vassalio.
It is reported that Senator Contarini may eventually take over the foreign portfolio from the premier.
Meantime, the Fascisti generalissimo, Balbo, issued general orders to Fascisti concentrated at Monterotondo, Sanat Marinelia, Foligno, and Tivoli not to abandon or leave their present posts, but to await final orders.
At the same time a general manifesto was sent out to all Fascisti forces, forbidding reprisals of any sort.
"Conflicts are not only useless but harmful to the Fascisti cause," the manifesto declares.
"All Fascisti squads therefore are ordered to maintain absolute calm, order and discipline. All individual action and initiative is absolutely prohibited."
"As Mussolini is already entrusted with the forming of a cabinet, we must be considered henceforth as responsible for the state, ministers and Parliament. Therefore every act against government institutions is an act of rebellion against Mussolini and the Fascisti."