
German Reds defeated; Hindenburg and Ebert reconcile, gain control over rioters

Bread lines in Germany following the end of World War I. File Photo courtesy Library of Congress
Bread lines in Germany following the end of World War I. File Photo courtesy Library of Congress

PARIS, Jan. 10, 1919 (UP) - Chancellor Ebert is master of the situation in Berlin, a Zurich dispatch to L'Information said today.

Field Marshal Von Hindenburg is in Potsdam, where he arrived two days ago. He does not propose to allow any elections until order is fully restored.


Hindenburg's presence, together with the government's decision to use arms in suppressing the insurgents, has completely changed the situation.

The Red Flag, Spartacan organ, is no longer being published. Students occupy the plant.

Great numbers of volunteers are enrolling in the government forces. Cavalry and Prussian guards are massed at all gates of the capital.

Gustav Noske, the military governor, is working energetically to bring about complete restoration of order. It is understood it was he who reconciled Ebert and Hindenburg.

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