
Moscow To Be New Capital Of Bolsheviki


PETROGRAD, March 11, 1918 (UP) - The government is moving to Moscow as a first step in organization of a resistance on all fronts, according to an official press announcement today.

It is believed it may be necessary for the Bolshevik government to fight both Germany and Japan.


The Bolshevik Congress has discarded the name "Social-Democratic" and adopted the title of the "Communist party," as it does not wish to have any similarity to the German party of which Philip Scheidemann is the leader in the Reichstag.

A treaty of alliance with the Finnish Red Guards has been signed by the Bolshevik government, offsetting the German treaty with the White Guards in Finland.

Details of German oppressive treatment of the inhabitants of lands which they have overrun continue to come in. In Finland the German police and military system is invoked against the people. The newspapers have been suppressed.

Smolensk reported heavy German forces moving from Homel toward Novozibkoff, which city the Russians are preparing to defend. Germans concentrated on the Orsha front have retreated.

Russian public opinion is surprised at the failure of President Wilson and America to halt Japan's hand in Siberia.


Those opposed to the Bolshevik regime point out that this failure gives the Bolsheviki basis for their argument that Imperialists in all countries are united against the Russian revolution.

Prominent Russian conservative leaders and financiers have arrived at Vladivostok, according to messages from Irkutsk. It is alleged that the Japanese and these Russians have agreed to a plan whereby the coast will be occupied by military forces.

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