
Three German armies advance on France

LONDON, Aug. 3, 1914 (UP) - Three German armies which include 22 army corps or nearly 1,000,000 men are advancing on France.

One is moving through Belgium, whose territory has been violated; the second from Metz, in fan shape formation; and the third from a point close to the Swiss border.


It is expected that the first big battle will extend along the French frontier all the way from Luxemburg to Cirey.

While the Germans are making for Paris, the Kaiser has sent only three active army corps to Prussia, but they will be augmented by 500,000 reserves so soon as they can be transferred there.

Twenty-two army corps comprise the German land forces that are marching on France.

Already, in the belief of military experts here, the bloodshed must have been great. How great will not be known until government censors raise the embargo on messages.


Fighting is reported in progress near Longwy. The advance guard of the invading Germany army, which Sunday entered France along the railway from Luxemburg, attacked the French defenders at daylight Monday.

The German army advancing from the Metz has effected a junction with that which came south from Luxemburg.

French aeroplanes and dirigibles are in active service over German soil. Three aviator soldiers have been killed. The Lokal Anzeiger, Berlin, says that "airships" are maneuvering near Kerprich, near Andernach, on the Rhine.

Hostile biplanes and monoplanes are hovering over Duren in Westphalia, and German towns in the territory from that place to Koeln, in Rheinish Prussia, report seeing aerial war craft high in the sky.

Two Uhlans of the regular German army have been captured by the French in a skirmish near Jencheria. A censored dispatch says that only a French soldier and a German officer were killed.

Two German officers were killed at Ronarey Boxon, France, when Germans invaded that town.

Reports to the French embassy at London say that 100,000 Germans are advancing on Luxemburg.

France has been declared to be in a state of siege. The government has not yet formally declared war and denies that its troops have invaded Germany.


Russian troops are reported to have invaded Austria and to be moving against Lemberg. The column is said to comprise the Russian army division whose headquarters are at Kiev. The Austrian frontier guards made no serious resistance.

Russian troops have crossed into Germany at several points on the border and the cossacks have raided the German customs house.

Russians drove the Germans back from Eydtkuhnen and a column of artillery, with infantry supports, now holds the port.

Grand Duke Nicholas Nicholavitch has been named as chief general commander of the Russian army, disposing of the report that the czar planned assuming personal command.

A strong Russian column of infantry and artillery crossed the German frontier at Schwidden, early Monday.

The commander threw out skirmishes, established, outposts, and apparently was relying on strong support from across the Russian line.

Russian patrols, encroaching on German territory, were forced back into the czar's domain at Eichrennied and Tiloslav by German frontier guards, according to word received here. The Germans attacked the Russian detachment and there was a brief skirmish.

Germans made their first capture of war prisoners near Hohenzalza. Fifty Cossacks were suprised and overwhelmed by a detachment of German frontier guards.


The force, of which they were the outposts, were driven back near Allenstein, a town of East Prussia, situated on the River Alle.

A heavy force of Germans reached the town of Vise on the River Maas, 12 miles northeast of Liege, Monday.

Germany thereupon demanded that Belgium facilitate the movement of the kaiser's troops through Belgian territory.

Great Britain has proclaimed martial law in Malta, the British province, just south of Italy.

In the meantime, while forces on land are preparing for the titanic struggle which experts in military affairs say is bound completely to change the map of Europe, the fighting monsters of the sea are clearing docks for action.

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