PRINCETON, N.J., Nov. 6, 1912 (UP) -- Choice of his 'official family' - the cabinet - faced President-elect Wilson today. It is known that Wilson has made no promise or pledge. But leading democrats said several appointments were considered as practically settled. These are:
William J. Bryan, as secretary of state.
Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, former chief chemist, as secretary of agriculture.
Louis D. Brandeis, Boston attorney, as attorney general.
William G. McAdoo, vice chairman of the democratic national committee, is also slated for a cabinet portfolio, either as postmaster general or secretary of war. Josephus Daniels, national committeeman of North Carolina, and chairman of the democratic publicity bureau, is regarded as a likely choice for postmaster general.
Chairman McCombs of the national committee, it is reported, will not be called to the Wilson cabinet, but will be taken care of.
For secretary of the treasury, Representative A. Mitchell Palmer, Wilson leader in Pennsylvania, or Representative William C. Redfield of New York, are generally regarded as leading in Wilson's consideration.
Redfield who retires from the house March 4, is also talked of for secretary of commerce and labor. Labor Commissioner Charles P. Neill is also a possibility for that portfolio.
Representative Burleson of Texas is talked of as secretary of the navy or interior department.
Tom Pence, newspaper correspondent and Wilson publicity man, is talked of for secretary to the president. Mayor Newton D. Baker of Cleveland is another thought to be considered for the job of "little president."