
Topic: Bob Riley

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Bob Riley News


Robert Renfroe "Bob" Riley (born October 3, 1944) is an American politician in the Republican Party. He was the 52nd Governor of Alabama, first elected in 2002, and re-elected in 2006.

Riley was born in Ashland, Alabama, a small town in Clay County where his family ranched and farmed for six generations. Riley attended the University of Alabama, and he graduated with a degree in business administration. Riley is married to Patsy Adams Riley, also from Ashland. The couple have four children (one of whom is deceased) and seven grandchildren.

Riley is married to the former Patsy Adams, also from Clay County. The Rileys have four children, Rob, Jenice, Minda and Krisalyn. Jenice, the Rileys' first daughter and the campaign's fundraiser, passed away in August 2001. The Rileys have three granddaughters and three grandsons. He is an alumni brother of Phi Kappa Sigma.

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