
Deny death of Filipino clan leader

MANILA, March 13 (UPI) -- Reports that Malaysian security forces killed one of the leaders of a Filipino clan pursuing a claim on northern Borneo were denied by a clan spokesman.

Abraham Idjirani of the Sultanate of Sulu told the Wall Street Journal in an article published Wednesday Haji Musa, a commander of the Moro National Liberation Front, is alive and has not been killed.


Members of the Sultanate of Sulu and the Moro National Liberation Front landed on Borneo in February to pursue the sultanate's centuries-old claim but became separated following attacks by Malaysian security forces.

Idjirani said "surrender" isn't an option although "disengagement" is being explored with the Philippine government.

Peace talks between the Moro National Liberation Front and the Philippine government are expected to resume next week, The Philippine Star reported.

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