
Taliban threaten another young activist

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Oct. 24 (UPI) -- Activist Hinna Khan, 17, from the same area of Pakistan as Malala Yousufzai, the girl shot by a Taliban gunman, was warned she would be next, her father said.

The threat came during a telephone call made to Hinna's mother two days after Malala, who spoke out against the Taliban, was shot in the head as she sat in a van with classmates in Mingora, Pakistan, Britain's Guardian reported Wednesday.


The incident turned Malala, who survived the shooting and is recovering in a hospital in England, into a worldwide symbol of women's rights.

Hinna's father, Reyatullah Khan, said, "The Taliban have kidnapped and tortured me in the past for promoting women's development, but now they are threatening the entire family."

Khan family members, living in seclusion in Islamabad, Pakistan, after fleeing their home area of Swat, have been active in organizing demonstrations calling for peace and an end to Taliban oppression, the newspaper said.

The elder Khan said he has received no offers of protection from the Pakistani government, and is considering joining relatives in Afghanistan.

"In Pakistan, the ministers and government are not sincere. In Afghanistan the government is at least sincere to its people," he said.


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