
Arrested attacker still faithful to cult

TOKYO, June 19 (UPI) -- Japanese police say a member of the Aum Supreme Life cult arrested for involvement in a 1995 terrorist attack is still a practicing cult member.

Police said Katsuya Takahashi, 54, sits in lotus position in his jail cell in Tokyo chanting the cult's mantra. He also performs the ritual "ritsui reihai" in which he throws his body to the floor in prayer, and then resumes a standing position.


The Yomiuiri Shimbum reported Takahashi was arrested Friday for his involvement in the 1995 Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway that killed 13 people. The Aum Supreme Life cult, now called Aleph, coordinated the attack on three subway lines for unknown reasons. It is the most serious attack on civilians in Japan since the end of World War II.

Police have discovered photos of Takahashi with cult leader Chizuo Matsumoto, who is currently on death row. They also found dozens of books related to the cult in Takahashi's belongings.

Investigators previously thought Takahashi lost faith in the cult during his 17 years on the run.

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