
Maliki says bomb was attempt to kill him

BAGHDAD, Dec. 3 (UPI) -- Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says he was the target of a bombing in Baghdad's secure Green Zone this week.

The BBC reported Saturday Maliki said the bomb was supposed to have detonated as he went to Parliament to address lawmakers Monday, but that he wasn't in the vicinity when the explosion occurred.


In the British news network's video, the Iraqi prime minister explained that the bomb was a car loaded with an explosive mixture of raw materials such as benzene and nitrates. He said investigator believe the assassination attempt originated within the Green Zone, which has been the most secure area in the country.

"This is the information revealed by the investigation up to now," he said.

The BBC said the blast heightens concerns about whether Iraqi forces can protect the country after the U.S. military leaves at year's end.

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