
More body parts found in Juarez, Mexico

JUAREZ, Mexico, June 23 (UPI) -- Police in Juarez, Mexico, say a headless torso discovered near the city's downtown area probably belongs with a man's head and genitals found earlier.

The body parts, an armless and legless torso absent its head and genitals, were found Wednesday, a day after a man's head and genitals were found in a black bag behind a church in Juarez, the El Paso Times reported Thursday.


Chihuahua state police said the head and genitals were in a plastic bag at the back of Sagrado Corazon church located east of downtown Juarez. The body parts discovered Wednesday were about a half-mile from the church.

An unnamed police spokesman said a DVD was found with the body parts, but its contents were unknown.

Juarez police said six killings occurred Tuesday, when the head and genitals were found.

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