
Roma plan to return to France

BUCHAREST, Romania, Aug. 20 (UPI) -- Many of the Roma deported from France to Romania said they planned to return as soon as possible.

Mariana Serban told Realitatea TV got food and cash benefits in France, the Sofia News Agency reported. She said she planned to spend some time visiting relatives before going back.


"Life is much better there -- happier," she said.

Roma, the people formerly known as gypsies, have moved from Eastern to Western Europe in large numbers since countries like Romania joined the European Union. French officials said the 79 people flown to Romania on Thursday and the 132 expected to join them Friday left voluntarily, accepting an offer of almost $400 for resettlement.

But Adrian Edu, an expert on Roma affairs with the Bucharest city government, believes most will not stay.

Alexandru Serban, 12, Marina's oldest son, agreed with his mother.

"I'm here now for a visit, and I will leave again. I'm staying here for two days only," he told a TV interviewer, speaking in French.

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